I am not a migrant or a refugee
No, I am not a migrant or a refugee
But if this is the quality of our discourse
Then God, oh my God
Allah huma Allah
We really need the diversity.
Sometimes that still shocks me
The me that is not quite white
The me that listens as people trip
over the soft round vowels of my name
The me that refuses to cover
the tattoos that show me as other
and knows that neither my father nor mother
are Australian
I am not a migrant or a refugee
Though my people are of the sea
So that when someone is a true leader
We call them
One who has warred with waves.
It is a title of respect, of honour
But here, here, I hear
Stop the boats
And wonder where the honour is
in people playing politics with people's lives
As Machiavelli thrives, and they sharpen knives, and we don't stop as they dehumanise
And 'welcome to Australia'
gets drowned
gets drowned
Like those children THEY like to throw overboard.
are so much better than
are so much better than
We'd only put those children in detention
And call that civilised.
We call it humanity and generosity
as we send them off to Nauru and PNG
as we send them off to Nauru and PNG
And we say
oh well
oh well
I am not a migrant or refugee
I am not a migrant or a refugee
I'm an Australian by accident of birth I say blithely
To explain that I was born when my dad was doing his PhD
And we left when I was three
to a place where the Southern Cross meant something other
then a badge for bogans
who tell you to get the fuck out of the country
that Captain Cook claimed to have discovered
when it had long since
been found.
been found.
No, I am not a migrant or a refugee
But if this is the quality of our discourse
Then God, oh my God
Allah huma Allah
We really need the diversity.